Email groups and forwarding

Email forwarding

You may wish to have your email forwarded from one account to another. You might have a commercial provider account such as AOL or Comcast from which you'd like to retrieve all your mail, or possibly the University has issued you one account as a student and another as a paid instructor. In either case, it can be troublesome to retrieve email from more than one account, and it is beneficial to forward one account to the other so that all your email is received through one account. Here's how:

Google Account

Pre-Google: Setting Your Preferred Email Address

In order to receive your mail in one account only, you need to have your email automatically forwarded from the other account. This is called setting your preferred email account.

Example: You have two accounts: jones010 and jone0034. You want to receive all your email at jone0034. You must set the preferred address for jones010 to jone0034. To do this:

Email groups

The Google Groups are designed to encourage (asynchronous) interchange among the members of that group, or to serve as announcement venues to those members. Please email any concerns to the Google group manager and/or to Communications & Marketing (CM).

Email Groups