Websites and Profiles

Profile updates

Please note: As of 1/4/2024, the PeopleTool does not pull information into anymore. If you would like changes to your profile on and on, please inquire with the communications and marketing manager. This application is slated for full retirement once CEHD transitions their website to a new platform in 2024. 


The School of Kinesiology has three main types of websites: Our public-facing website (, lab websites, and the KINtranet. 

Lab websites

Each lab has a main point of contact for updating their website. This person is in charge of the day-to-day maintenance of the site. These changes are usually content based. If you or your lab website manager would like to make news blogs on your website, use the help guide below for instructions. 

If you would like to make larger, structural changes to your website, consult these help guides and the communications and marketing manager

How to create an article on lab website


The KINtranet's goal is to provide relevant information for all School of Kinesiology employees. Contact the communications and marketing manager if you have an idea for the site. 

Previous kintranet versions


Contact the individuals below if you have questions or need support: