Review the School of Kinesiology's leadership positions below. For more detailed information about these positions, visit the bylaws document.
Department chair
The Director is appointed by the Dean of the College. The Director is selected according to policies determined in the College, with input from members of the School community.
The length of appointment is determined by the CEHD Constitution and the Dean, usually at 3 year increments
The Director is the School's chief executive officer, Chair of the School's MTeam, and a member of the School's tenured faculty
Duties include, but are not limited to:
Coordinating teaching and learning activities, research and discovery, engagement and outreach and continuing education programs in consultation with the Dean and Associate Deans.
Making recommendations to the Dean on personnel matters and administer appropriate personnel policies after consultation with appropriate School faculty or staff.
Proposing the annual School budget and the annual report of expenditure with MTeam, faculty, and staff input, negotiating this budget with the Dean, and managing its implementation with regular reporting to the School.
Convening and facilitating work of the MTeam.
Appointing committee members and chairs, forming work groups and task forces necessary to the work of the School, College, and University.
Representing School interests to the College and other appropriate venues.
Serving as local human resources officer for tenured/tenure-track faculty, contract faculty, and P&A faculty including hiring recommendations, annual review, and facilitation of promotion and tenure reviews.
Developing and updating policies and best practices for the School.
Executing other duties as assigned by the Dean or outlined in the College description of Director duties in the College Constitution.
Associate director(s)
The director may appoint associate director(s) as necessary, with approval from the Dean
The length of appointment is usually 3 years, with the possibility of renewal
The role of the associate director is to fulfill advisory, administrative, and/or executive functions as determined by the needs of the director. The associate director(s) is a voting member of the MTeam
Duties include, but are not limited to:
Those assigned by the director within the scope of appropriate executive and administrative roles and workload allocation to the position and specific competencies of the associate director
Director of graduate studies (DGS)
The DGS is recommended by the Director to the School’s graduate education faculty for approval. Eligibility requirements and appointment processes for the DGS are outlined in the University policy on Appointments as Directors of Graduate Studies and the CEHD policy on Directors of Graduate Studies.
The DGS is a member of the School's graduate faculty and a voting member on the MTeam
Duties include, but are not limited to:
Serving as the director and coordinator of graduate studies within all of the graduate programs sponsored by the School.
Sharing responsibility for guiding and improving graduate education within the programs under the DGS’s jurisdiction in collaboration with the graduate education faculty and School and collegiate leadership
Fulfilling the specific duties assigned to the DGS as outlined in the University policy appendix on Typical Roles and Responsibilities of the DGS.
Chairing the Graduate Education Committee (GEC) and serving on the College Curriculum Council.
Director of undergraduate studies (DUGS)
The DUGS is appointed by the Director. The term of appointment for a faculty member as DUGS is typically three years with the possibility of renewal. The term of appointment for a P&A administrative staff member as DUGS is determined by their contract.
The DUGS serves as the administrative supervisor and coordinator of undergraduate studies, advising, undergraduate curriculum, and course scheduling within the School.
The DUGS shares responsibility with the Director for guiding and improving undergraduate education for the program(s) under their authority. The DUGS is a voting member of the MTeam.
Duties include, but are not limited to:
Serving as the liaison among the undergraduate students, program faculty, advisors, the College, and the University.
Providing leadership for the successful organization and delivery of the School’s undergraduate degrees, courses, advising and student engagement efforts.
Overseeing enrollment management, admission, exploring and implementing new undergraduate initiatives, policy and process development and adherence, curriculum review and design, staff retention, program review and assessment, student academic success and outcomes, and overall programmatic management and improvements.
Supervising and coordinating the administration and governance of undergraduate studies within the undergraduate programs for which they are responsible.
Chairing the Undergraduate Education Committee (UEC) and serving on the College Curriculum Council.
Assisting in resolving concerns or disputes related to students and faculty and refers to other campus resources and authorities as needed.
Program coordinators
Program-level directors are appointed by the hiring authority. Program-level coordinators are appointed by the Director.
The term of appointment for faculty members is typically three years with the possibility of renewal. The term of appointment for P&A administrative staff members is determined by their contract.
The assigned role varies by program
Duties include, but are not limited to:
Overseeing program policies and curricula under the supervision of the DUGS, DGS, Associate Director, or Director.
Developing and reviewing curriculum and courses relevant to the program.
Selecting and assigning instructors.
Supervising academic advisors for the program.
Mentoring students’ culminating projects for the program.
Addressing credentialing, licensure, or accreditation matters within the program.
Preparing program documentation, reviews/evaluations, academic catalog content, promotional and marketing materials, and other communications, positions, or statements requested by the School, College, or University.